What does it take to get motivated to do some blogging? A mountain run up at beautiful Schweitzer Mountain! Schweitzer Mountain is located in Sandpoint, Idaho. A place that I consider a trail running paradise.
Vickie and Michelle heading up Upper Grrr x-country trail. Fairly mellow climb overall.
The fall colors are coming right along. The red colored bushes are mountain huckleberries. Even though they are getting a bit over-ripe, they still provided a bit of nourishment on the 10 mile run.
This is Colburn Lake on the Backside of Schweitzer Mountain. Up to this point, I have only seen it in the winter via snowboarding. The dogs took a swim before we turned back around.
Michelle and Dose (wallips) heading back up the cat-track from Colburn Lake.
Getting ready to head back down the other side. Lake Pend Oreille can be seen in the background.
We have been in Sandpoint, Idaho for a year now. We are loving all it has to offer our family. Next week we will be running the Wild Moose Chase 25K up at Mt. Spokane. My training has been just enough to finish the race, but not at blazing speeds by any means. Nice to finally get back into some consistent running!
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago